Results for 'Ion Sorin Bora'

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  1. Demnitatea copiilor potrivit învăţăturii Noului Testament.Bora Ion-Sorin - 2016 - In Ion-Sorin Bora, Demnitatea și libertatea persoanei umane: abordare interdisciplinară. Mitropolia Olteniei. pp. 567-579.
    The Dignity of the Children according to the New Testament teaching should be a landmark for modern era. New Testament raised the dignity of the unborn child, from a simple mass of cells to a child who has the right to be born and live. The child born has the value of a person that to enjoy family and society not only for economic potential but for the soul value as they bear the image of God. Children of different ages (...)
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  2. Importanţa templului din Ierusalim pentru autorul şi destinatarii Epistolei către Evrei.Ion-Sorin Bora - 2018 - Mitropolia Olteniei 70 (9-12):139–159.
    The temple from Jerusalem was never more defended by Jewish servants and believers, as when the Apostle Paul wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews. We are not referring to the armies of the revolutionaries. We should know that in Sanhedrin was judged every word that a Jew talked about the temple. But when St. Stephan was killed, and after too, St. James, because they have seen the True temple of Christ, the Levites and the Priests became killers not worshipers. With (...)
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  3. Wirkungsgeschichte et la veritable interpretation-quelques considerations sur cette methode interpretative du Nouveau Testament.Ion Sorin Bora - 2015 - Mitropolia Olteniei 5 (797-800):160–179.
    The interpretation of the Holy Bible has always done in two distinct environments: in the Church and outside it. If for the Holy Fathers the Church was the only institution that can guarantee the integrity, apostolicity, inspiration and canonicity of the sacred text, as well as the right way of interpreting, heretics have read the Bible for widening an already created gap between them and the Church. The current Protestant exegesis tends to reconsider the interpretative tradition, inquiring about the effects (...)
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  4. Cuvântul Crucii în fața pretinsei cunoștințe a corintenilor din vremea Sfântului Apostol Pavel și paradoxul credinței creștine (5th edition).Ion Sorin Bora - 2014 - In Surdu Alexandru, Concepte deschise. pp. 48.
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  5. The Problem Of Abstract Thinking In The Categorical Imperative.Bora Barut - 2024 - Meditations: The Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy at Ucla 10 (11):50-76.
    This paper delves into Hegel's critique of Kantian ethics, focusing on the accusation that Kant's Categorical Imperative (CI) represents an abstract ethical philosophy. Hegel argues that Kantian ethics relies on an unproductive form of abstract thinking, exemplified in Kant's emphasis on universalizing maxims without considering the concrete particularities of situations. The author contends that Hegel's critique remains valid even when considering Christine Korsgaard's responses. The paper unfolds by elucidating Hegel's notion of "abstract thinking" and explaining how the CI's emphasis on (...)
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  6. Inference to the best explanation and mathematical realism.Sorin Ioan Bangu - 2008 - Synthese 160 (1):13-20.
    Arguing for mathematical realism on the basis of Field’s explanationist version of the Quine–Putnam Indispensability argument, Alan Baker has recently claimed to have found an instance of a genuine mathematical explanation of a physical phenomenon. While I agree that Baker presents a very interesting example in which mathematics plays an essential explanatory role, I show that this example, and the argument built upon it, begs the question against the mathematical nominalist.
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  7. The Procedural Society: A Critique of Digital Power.Borza Sorin G. - 2022 - Bucarest: Eikon.
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  8. The Reciprocal of The Butterfly Theorem.Ion Pătrașcu & Florentin Smarandache - unknown
    In this paper, we present two proofs of the reciprocal butterfly theorem. The statement of the butterfly theorem is: Let us consider a chord PQ of midpoint M in the circle Ω(O). Through M, two other chords AB and CD are drawn, such that A and C are on the same side of PQ. We denote by X and U the intersection of AD respectively CB with PQ. Consequently, XM = YM. For the proof of this theorem, see [1]. The (...)
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  9. Event and Structure: A Phenomenological Approach of Irreducible Violence.Ion Copoeru - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (2):257-268.
    Violence is signaled by a mark of discontinuity, interruption, rupture. The tripartite temporality of violence, with its strong focus on the present, points to the originary violence. Moreover, the violent event is structuring the order of the action sequences in an actual violent (embodied) interaction. The interactional dynamics in violent encounters between co-present actors shapes the specific forms of the experiencing in (and of) the violent interaction. Based on how violence is experienced in an interactive situation, the phenomenon of violence (...)
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  10. Canon and Canonicity in the Bibles of Samuil Micu and Andrei Șaguna: Resemblances, Differences and Controversies.Ion Reșceanu - 2020 - Romanian Orthodox Old Testament Studies 4 (2):57-66.
    The present study aims to carry out an analysis of the relation between the Bibles of Samuil Micu and Andrei Șaguna from an isagogic perspective, with a particular focus on the canon and canonicity of the books of the Holy Scripture. We believe that, through such an analysis, we can observe what they have in common, but also what differentiates the two Transylvanian editions of the Holy Scripture so that we can help those interested in understanding the reasons behind the (...)
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  11. La raison en tant que pratique subjective.Ion Copoeru - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:79.
    The aim of this paper is to argue in favor of the idea that it is possible not only to give a special place to reason in our life and in society, but also to offer an integrative rational framework, in in which human ends and goals find their rational expression. The text has three parts. The first describes Alfred Schutz's practical-hermeneutical approach to law and normativity, while making room for a subjective practice of reason. The second proposes to reveal, (...)
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  12. Transhumanism Between Human Enhancement and Technological Innovation.Ion Iuga - 2016 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 3 (1):79-88.
    Transhumanism introduces from its very beginning a paradigm shift about concepts like human nature, progress and human future. An overview of its ideology reveals a strong belief in the idea of human enhancement through technologically means. The theory of technological singularity, which is more or less a radicalisation of the transhumanist discourse, foresees a radical evolutionary change through artificial intelligence. The boundaries between intelligent machines and human beings will be blurred. The consequence is the upcoming of a post-biological and posthuman (...)
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  13. Addiction as Embodied Powerlessness.Ion Copoeru & Nicoleta Szabo - 2017 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (1):9-29.
    This paper tries to show that the naturalistic view of addiction is mired in contradictions that stem from reducing the addict to a weak-willed subject who loses control over his or her body. From a phenomenological perspective, addiction reveals itself to be a habit which eventually becomes harmful, but has its primary sources in the embodied needs of a worldly subject. The aim of this paper is to uncover the dimensions of the lived addiction that are neglected in the contemporary (...)
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  14. Cioran and the "epistolary mania".Ion Dur & Gabriel Hasmațuchi - 2021 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 1 (65):79-97.
    Besides his philosophical essays, Emil Cioran also maintained a vast correspondence. He sent and received numerous letters; from his parents and his brother Aurel, as well as from various personalities, friends and romantic interests. These represent a part of the philosopher’s personality which deserves to be organically integrated in the corpus of Cioran’s work and writings. Most of Cioran’s letters are inevitably literary; they preserve a productive ambiguity and express attitudes and feelings belonging to both the organic man and the (...)
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  15. Hétérogénéité et constitution du champ sensible singulier.Ion Copoeru - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (3-4):25-43.
    (Introduction) The question of heterogeneity does not appear at first glance to be a genuinely phenomenological problem and not even a problem in general. It seems to go without saying that there is “coupling” (Paarung), association, fusion, synthesis or in general any form connection between different data of consciousness, all as it seems obvious (at least from Husserl) that there must be objectities so that we can talk about knowledge and truth. After Kant we got so used to synthetic formations (...)
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  16. The two Theories of Intentionality in Brentano and the Program of Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint.Tănăsescu Ion - 2015 - Brentano Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch der Franz Brentano Forschung 13 (Brentano’s Concept of Intentiona):211-231.
    The paper defends the following thesis: the intentionality passage from Brentano’s Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint (1874) can be interpre- ted from two perspectives: intentionality as the most salient distinguishing feature separating the mental from the physical, and intentionality as a the- ory of the way in which mental acts, with their contents, are related to ex- tra-mental objects. Fundamentally, the theory of intentionality from 1874 is an example of the former. Its role is that of allowing the establishment of (...)
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    R. M. Chisholm interprets Brentano’s theory of intentionality through the lens of two theses: the ontological thesis, according to which the intentionality of the mental designates the fact that there is an immanent object in the act; and the psychological thesis, according to which intentionality consists of the direction of the mental act toward the extra-mental object. In my paper I interpret Chisholm’s and Brentano’s theses on intentionality from two perspectives: intentionality as the most salient distinguishing feature separating the mental (...)
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  18. Die Phasentheorie. Franz Brentano und Auguste Comte.Tănăsescu Ion - 2017 - Brentano Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch der Franz Brentano Forschung 15 (Der frühe Brentano):329-360.
    Die Abhandlung entwickelt und vertritt folgende Thesen: (1) Brentanos Vier-Phasen-Theorie wurde unabhängig von Comtes Drei-Stadien-Gesetz entworfen . (2) Aber Brentano legte großen Wert darauf, die Übereinstim- mung beider Theorien zu unterstreichen . (3) Beide Theorien gehen von verschiedenen Geschichtsauffassungen aus: Comtes Theorie schließt die Geschichte der fundamentalen positiven Wissenschaften ein, die geradli- nig verläuft, stets aufwärts führt und durch keine gesetzmäßig auftretenden Verfallsphasen belastet wird, aber dennoch Stagnationen kennt . Dagegen bezieht sich Brentanos Theorie vorwiegend auf die Geschichte der Philo- (...)
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  19. Ecosophy, Philosophy of Security, New Technologies and the Digital Philosophy.Sarbu Ion - 2017 - In Proceedings of the 13th International Scientific Committee "Strategies XXI". Technologies, Military Applications, Simulations and Resources. Bucharest: "Carol I" National Defence University. pp. 437-443.
    Defining Ecosophy (ecological wisdom) like a contemporary philosophy of survival, security and a sustainable Human Development, terrestrial nature and society, the author of this article approaches the correlation between it and the digital version of security in the context of new technologies. Human survival is in connection with the protection, optimal functioning of the natural environment and the development of human society. Human evolution, physical and psychological (the issues of Anthropoecology, a medical-biological science, deals with them), depends on the natural (...)
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  20. Noua filosofie si securitatea.Sarbu Ion - 2018 - Revista Militara. Studii de Securitate Si Aparare 19 (1):58-67.
    Ecosophy or ecological wisdom – the new philosophy of contemporary life is also a philosophy of security, digital content, tolerance; it is a philosophy of survival and sustainable development of man, society and nature. Man, society as well as science currently need and will need a new philosophy – ecosophy. All together and each one in part they are based on security, first of all on human security. The interaction of philosophy with science occurs historically through three main stages. The (...)
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  21. Community and Communication: From the communication of separated consciousnesses to the plurality of communicating persons.Ion Copoeru - 2005 - Topos 11 (2).
    The Husserlian concept of intersubjectivity has been criticized for the fact that it belongs exclusively to a philosophy of representation and to a solipsistic consciousness. In this conceptual framework, the other (ego) appears to be constituted by a singular ego through the synthesis of the series of its appearances (perceptive or imaginative representations) and by extrapolation (transposition) of its own “sphere of originality”. For this theory of constitution seemed to be essentially related to the concept of objective representation that post-Husserlian (...)
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  22. Duplicity, corruption, and exceptionalism in the Romanian experience of modernity.Marius Ion Benta - 2020 - In Agnes Horvath, Manussos Marangudakis & Arpad Szakolczai, Duplicity, corruption, and exceptionalism in the Romanian experience of modernity. pp. 211–228.
    The problem of trickster leadership is discussed in this chapter in the context of the Romanian experience of modernity. This experience has emerged as a Post-Byzantine condition; it was strongly marked by the forty years of communist regimes and was loaded with a high amount of duplicity and ambivalence. The chapter argues that the communist type of trickster leadership in Romania was the outcome of a clash between two types of corruption: a domestic one and a global one. The idea (...)
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  23. Experiencing Multiple Realities: Alfred Schutz’s Sociology of the Finite Provinces of Meaning.Marius Ion Benta - 2018 - London, UK: Routledge.
    This book offers a theoretical investigation into the general problem of reality as a multiplicity of ‘finite provinces of meaning’, as developed in the work of Alfred Schutz. A critical introduction to Schutz’s sociology of multiple realities as well as a sympathetic re-reading and reconstruction of his project, Experiencing Multiple Realities traces the genesis and implications of this concept in Schutz’s writings before presenting an analysis of various ways in which it can shed light on major sociological problems, such as (...)
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  24. The Multiple Realities of Paul’s Mystical Experience: A Phenomenological Perspective in the Anthropology of Religion.Marius Ion Bența - 2023 - International Political Anthropology 16 (2):127-143.
    This article is a study on Paul’s mystical experiences using an interpretive framework that relies on multiple grounds: Alfred Schutz’s phenomenology of the “multiple realities” applied to the problem of religion, political anthropology and general scholarship on Paul. The aim of this study is also multiple: I seek to draw an interpretive insight into those mystical experiences that have been traditionally attributed to Paul by using a hermeneutic lens provided by Schutzian phenomenology, to clarify this hermeneutic method as such and (...)
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  25. Of Bricks and Freight Containers: Notes on the Genealogy of Symbols in the Experience of the Moderns.Marius Ion Benta - 2022 - International Political Anthropology 15 (1):27-35.
    This paper is an exploration of the multiple meanings that the invention of the brick – this simple artefact that has permitted the raising of complex and durable buildings – has brought to civilisation and to humans in their relationship with the world. I suggest that bricks may have brought a number of novel experiences to society, whose meanings are important for the understanding of the modern condition and its emphasis on rationalism, replicability, precision, standardisation and modularity among other principles. (...)
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  26. The Multiple Reality: A Critical Study on Alfred Schutz's Sociology of the Finite Provinces of Meaning.Marius Ion Benta - 2014 - Dissertation,
    This work is a critical introduction to Alfred Schutz’s sociology of the multiple reality and an enterprise that seeks to reassess and reconstruct the Schutzian project. In the first part of the study, I inquire into Schutz’s biographical con- text that surrounds the germination of this conception and I analyse the main texts of Schutz where he has dealt directly with ‘finite provinces of meaning.’ On the basis of this analysis, I suggest and discuss, in Part II, several solutions to (...)
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  27. The multimodal construction of political personae through the strategic management of semiotic resources of emotion expression.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte & Nicolae-Sorin Dragan - 2022 - Social Semiotics 32 (3):1-25.
    This paper presents an analytical framework for analyzing how multimodal resources of emotion expression are semiotically materialized in discursive interactions specific to political discourse. Interested in how political personae are emotionally constructed through multimodal meaning-making practices, our analysis model assumes an interdisciplinary perspective, which integrates facial expression analysis – using FaceReader™ software –, the theory of emotional arcs and bodily actions (hand gestures) analysis that express emotions, in the analytical framework of multimodality. The results show how the multimodal choices that (...)
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  28. The Technologisation of the Social: A Political Anthropology of the Digital Machine.Paul O'Connor & Marius Ion Benta (eds.) - 2021 - London, UK: Routledge.
    In an era of digital revolution, artificial intelligence, big data and augmented reality, technology has shifted from being a tool of communication to a primary medium of experience and sociality. Some of the most basic human capacities are increasingly being outsourced to machines and we increasingly experience and interpret the world through digital interfaces, with machines becoming ever more ‘social’ beings. Social interaction and human perception are being reshaped in unprecedented ways. This book explores this technologisation of the social and (...)
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  29. Ion Dur's hermeneutics and the critical spirit - Books, ideas and reception.Gabriel Hasmațuchi - 2020 - Cogito 12 (3):51-71.
    Ion Dur is an authentic scholar. His working methods, his interest and freshness of his discourse are placing him among the active contemporary Romanian philosophers and critics. Among the constant coordinates of his work are the attempt to guide readers "towards the North point of value". Ion Dur distinguishes himself by depth of his analysis on culture, criticism and journalism. The aim of this study is to offer, to young researchers and others as well, an Ariadne‘s Thread to the hermeneut‘s (...)
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  30. Ion.Gene Fendt - 1997 - International Studies in Philosophy 29 (4):23-50.
    This reading of Plato's Ion shows that the philosophic action mimed and engendered by the dialogue thoroughly reverses its (and Plato's) often supposed philosophical point, revealing that poetry is just as defensible as philosophy, and only in the same way. It is by Plato's indirections we find true directions out: the war between philosophy and poetry is a hoax on Plato's part, and a mistake on the part of his literalist readers. The dilemma around which the dialogue moves is false, (...)
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  31. Contemporary Critical Reflections on Ion Bria’s Vision for Ecumenical Dialogue.Marcu Doru - 2024 - Religions 15 (3).
    In this study, I will expose the perspective of the ecumenical dialogue in the theology of Fr. Ion Bria, one of the well-known Romanians involved in the ecumenical movement. In the first part, after a short introduction, I will present the most important biographical milestones of the Romanian theologian, as well as some details about his activity in the World Council of Churches. Then, in the second part, I will critically present the most important aspects of Bria’s ecumenical theology, as (...)
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  32. A Critical Analysis of the Theological Positions and Ecumenical Activity of Ion Bria (1929-2002).Doru Marcu - 2022 - CRAIOVA: MITROPOLIA OLTENIEI.
    The Orthodox Churches are part of the ecumenical movement with the inner wish to clarify the theological elements which keep the whole Christianity divided. For this goal, every Church is represented somehow in discussions by her theologians who are training to carry a theological dispute at this level. The Romanian Orthodox Church was indirectly represented in the World Council of Church by professor Ion Bria (1929-2002), who had worked officially at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva for more than 20 years. (...)
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  33. Relația dintre misiune și eclesiologie în viziunea Pr. Prof. Ion Bria.Doru Marcu - 2022 - Craiova: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei.
    Cartea de față este teza de doctorat în Teologie a autorului, alcătuită și susținută în cadrul Școlii Doctorale „Sf. Nicodim” a Universității din Craiova, în noiembrie 2021. Lucrarea se remarcă prin rigurozitatea și amploarea cercetării teologice despre o temă actuală în misiologie, anume relația dintre misiune și eclesiologie. În acest sens, opera și personalitatea Pr. Prof. Ion Bria sunt punctele de referință pentru susținerea dimensiunii misionare a Bisericii Ortodoxe. Amintim că Pr. Ion Bria ne-a fost un apropiat, mai ales în (...)
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  34. Sorin Baiasu, Kant and Sartre: Rediscovering Critical Ethics London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 Pp. 291, hbk, £55.00 ISBN: 9780230001503. [REVIEW]Chris Onof - 2013 - Kantian Review 18 (2):323-328.
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  35. Plato’s Ion as an Ethical Performance.Toby Svoboda - 2021 - In Garry L. Hagberg, Fictional Worlds and the Moral Imagination. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 3-18.
    Plato’s Ion is primarily ethical rather than epistemological, investigating the implications of transgressing one’s own epistemic limits. The figures of Socrates and Ion are juxtaposed in the dialogue, Ion being a laughable, comic, ethically inferior character who cannot recognize his own epistemic limits, Socrates being an elevated, serious, ethically superior character who exhibits disciplined epistemic restraint. The point of the dialogue is to contrast Ion’s laughable state with the serious state of Socrates. In this sense, the dialogue’s central argument is (...)
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  36. Review of: "Propagation of Oligophenylene vanillin nanowires by focused ion beam (FIB) nanolithography method (below ۱۰۰ nm - ۱۰ nm range)".Afshin Rashid - 2023 - Qeios 13:1 _ 5.
    Nanowires ( SiNWs) have high mobility and surface-to-volume ratio, which makes them easy to control using a weak electric field. These one-dimensional nanostructures are created from nanowires with a diameter in the range of nanometers and a length of more than a micrometer. It has been done in the manufacture of nanowires through regular one-dimensional arrays with the help of different physical and chemical methods. Methods such as the use of electron beam or lithography method, heavy ion irradiation, laser, chemical (...)
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  37. Ghosts and Ion Counters.Don A. Merrell - 2008 - Skeptical Inquirer 32 (6).
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  38. Synthesis, characterization and complexation of Schiff base ligand p-anisalcefuroxime with Cu2+ and Fe2+ ions; antimicrobial and docking analysis with PBP2xto study pharmacokinetic parameters.Abul Kalam Azad - 2025 - Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 5 (1):48-64.
    Schiff base ligands and their metal complexes are considered promising leads in the development of new drugs. Due to their outstanding ability to form chelate complexes, they readily interact with transition metals that possess vacant orbitals. Several benefits are associated with transition metal complexes due to their favorable biocompatibility and low toxicity in biological systems. This study seeks to investigate the synthesis of a novel Schiff base derived from two starting materials: p-anisaldehyde and cefuroxime. The p-anisalce-furoxime complex was synthesized by (...)
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    The Chinese room argument in Plato’s Ion.Hippokratis Kiaris - 2023 - Interface Journal of European Languages and Literatures (21):59-68.
    Ion, one of the earliest of Plato’s dialogues, is also considered as one of the philosopher’s less important philosophical works. It is also viewed as one of the earliest texts on the philosophy of art that distinguishes between techne and artistic creation, with the latter representing a form of divine inspiration which occurs outside the awareness of its creator. Here I will offer an alternative interpretation that is based on the dissociation of the poet from his reciter. The latter, by (...)
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  40. UTILIZATION OF A DUAL-AXIS SOLAR TRACKER TO INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOLAR PANELS IN THE STORAGE OF POWER IN LITHIUM-ION BATTERIES.Geodizon Iman C. Bermudez, Joanna Patricia U. Develleres, Danniah Shamella N. Palao, Kate Aileen M. Gromia, Rainer Jade T. Daingan & Raffy S. Virtucio - 2023 - Get International Research Journal 1 (2).
    This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of utilizing the Dual-axis Solar Tracker in harnessing solar energy and storing it in lithium-ion batteries in terms of voltage and milliamps per hour gained. This study utilized two solar panel systems, the Static Solar Panel System and the Dual-Axis Solar Tracker and aimed to prove the significant difference generated by solar panel systems in terms of voltage and milliamps per hour. This study employed an Applied Experimental Research Design utilizing Arduino Uno, (...)
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  41. What Is Wrong With The Rhapsode? 
The Role Of Inspiration In Plato’s The Ion.Tilmann Koeppe - 2007 - Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics 4 (3):13-22.
    In Plato’s Ion we find Socrates engaged in a conversation with the rhapsode Ion. During the course of the dialogue, Socrates gives a critical account of the nature of the rhapsode’s profession. But what exactly is it that Socrates criticises? And is his account entirely critical or does he, in the end, attach some positive value to the rhapsode’s profession in virtue of its being a ‘divinely inspired’ activity?1 In this essay I shall argue that Socrates does in fact give (...)
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    Ce vor patru intelectuali români de la președintele țării. Cristian Preda, Ciprian Mihali, Sorin Ioniţă, Ce vrem de la preşedintele ţării? Ghid civic pentru alegătorii români (cu o prefață de Andrei Pleșu), Humanitas, București, 2024. [REVIEW]Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca - 2024 - Analele Ştiinţifice Ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Din Iaşi. Ştiinţe Politice 19:59-64.
    Această carte pretinde să-i ajute pe cetățeni să facă o alegere în scrutinul prezidențial de anul acesta. În realitate, nu face nimic mai mult decât să exprime opiniile, dorințele și idiosincraziile fiecăruia dintre autori, expunându-le în vitrinele librăriilor Humanitas. Spunând prea puțin despre nevoile și interesele marii mase a alegătorilor, lucrarea este o fereastră spre universul politic imaginar al intelectualilor români cu vederi de dreapta, care, din nou deziluzionați de politicienii pe care i-au sprijinit sau cu care au colaborat, încearcă (...)
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  43. The concept liturgy after the Liturgy. History and theology.Marcu Doru - 2016 - Mitropolia Olteniei (9-12):185-207.
    In this critical paper, I will outline some remarks in connection with one of the most well-known concepts of Orthodox mission developed in the ecumenical framework. More precisely, this concept is summarized by the expression liturgy after the Liturgy. The structure of the present study and its aims are as follow. Because I already nominated the Orthodox theologian Ion Bria, I will shortly present his biography. I think that very often we write/read theology without connecting the author with his ideas. (...)
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    Revisiting Kant’s Legacy in Continental Philosophy. [REVIEW]Zachary Vereb - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):614-621.
    Review of: Sorin Baiasu and Alberto Vanzo, Kant and the Continental Tradition: Sensibility, Nature and Religion. Milton, Routledge, 2020, 255 pp. 978- 1138503748.
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  45. Kant’s Formula of Autonomy: Continuity or Discontinuity?Pauline Kleingeld - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (2):555-569.
    In two recent articles I have argued that Kant’s legal and political philosophy can shed new light on his much-contested account of moral autonomy and that important changes in his political theory help to explain why in his later work the Formula of Autonomy disappears. In the present essay, I respond to comments by Sorin Baiasu and Marie Newhouse, who argue that the changes in Kant’s political theory fail to explain the disappearance of the Formula of Autonomy, since in (...)
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    Discerning the Kantian Mind. [REVIEW]Zachary Vereb - 2024 - Con-Textos Kantianos 19:249-251.
    Review of: Sorin Baiasu and Mark Timmons (eds.), The Kantian Mind. London and New York: Routledge, 2024, 596 pp. 978-1138827486.
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  47. La Roumanie entre le 23 août 1944 et le traité de paix de Paris.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Les défenseurs d'Ion Antonescu considèrent l'acte du roi Mihai I comme une erreur tragique ou une « grave erreur politique », affirmant que le roi aurait dû attendre encore un mois ou deux pour que le Maréc lui-même exige un armistice. L'historien Neagu Djuvara a déclaré que ces « conditions plus faciles » qu'aurait obtenues Ion Antonescu « sont de pures fables », en réalité Antonescu avait l'intention de donner aux Allemands une pause pour quitter la Roumanie. Entre le 24 (...)
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  48. Morfosintassi dell’accordo nel genitivo e sua correlazione con elementi del tipo D.Angelapia Massaro - 2020 - Dissertation, Università Degli Studi di Firenze
    The aim of this dissertation is an analysis of agreement in relation to genitival constructions. It proposes that the Apulian non-prepositional enitives of San Marco in Lamis can be described as regulated by a definiteness agreement mechanism manifesting itself in the necessity of articled heads (excluding vocatives) and genitival nouns, coupled with an adjacency requirement which limits the realization of post-nominal modifiers of the head in a post-genitival position, where they might only refer to the genitive noun. This work thus (...)
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    (1 other version)Kantian Reflections on Conceptual Limits.Zachary Vereb - 2022 - Public Reason 14 (1):68-75.
    This paper reflects on Kantian exchanges between A. W. Moore and Sorin Baiasu. After briefly situating their exchange, I highlight Baiasu’s clarification regarding Kant’s distinction between knowledge and cognition. Although convincing, I suggest that Baiasu’s objections could be strengthened with further discussion of the notion of a thing in itself as a limiting concept, as well as emphasis on Moore’s use of ‘concern’, which might require further clarification. I conclude with broader reflections on what is at stake: not just (...)
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  50. Why Animals Have an Interest in Freedom.Andreas T. Schmidt - 2015 - Historical Social Research 40 (4):92-109.
    Do non-human animals have an interest in sociopolitical freedom? Cochrane has recently taken up this important yet largely neglected quest ion. He argues that animal freedom is not a relevant moral concern in itself, because animals have a merely instrumental but not an intrinsic interest in freedom (Cochrane 2009a, 2012). This paper will argue that even if animals have a merely instrumental interest in freedom, animal freedom should nonetheless be an important goal for our relationships with animals. Drawing on recent (...)
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